Hao Wu’s Portfolio

Program is an Algorithm

Agent-based Simulation in Architectural Design
Tracing COVID in Built Environment
COVID Recovery Resort
Phone Food

Reconfigurable Street

Augment Urban Mobility with Robotic Technology
Uber Space
Robot Crossing


Documentary of Suzhou Immigrants
Film: Edge Town



Realized Project
Hall of Immortality at Longshan Cemetery
OCT Contemporary Art Museum

about me
full portfolio

Robot Crossing

Supervisor: Kaiho Yu

Game Design, Agent-based Simulation,  Urban Mobility, Robot Dynamism, Unity3D


Robot crossing is a game platform for 2022 Summer Semester Exhibition, “Sliver Gallery” at die Angwandte, University of Applied Arts Vienna. It allows people to drag and drop student’s project, robots and other breadcrumbs to a virtual street and watch how “people” interact with them. Those people are agent-based simulation of human avatars on the street.